Monday, October 17, 2016
Life isn't always fair
We lost a good one
Just 80 years young
Honoring the passing of Dr. Saludo
Dr. Saludo - you taught me humility, acceptance, how to properly treat woman, when to make jokes appropriate and inappropriate ;)
Father of my first girlfriend Tracy Saludo, and her amazing 4 siblings, Janet Saludo Desmann, James Saludo, Karen Saludo and Margaret
Husband of the beautiful Kathy Saludo
Medical Doctor, jokester with an eye for photography
You loved me unconditionally when my father had religious stipulations
You knew what an Ulcerative Colitis diagnosis would bring, you'd been on the front lines practicing medicine for years.
But I practiced escapism and laughed off your Rx for the book when bad things happen to good people, I brushed off your description of UC as the Devils disease. I simply wasn't ready to look within, the daily pills were working, or so I thought. I was simply a 28 year old know it all.
Today my company teaches patients the significance of escapism and why to avoid it at all costs. I owe this to you Dr. Saludo. Your legacy lives on for decades more, centuries if we have a say in the matter
Abe, I know you're looking down and smiling, saying enjoy your pee-cha (pizza said with a Filipino accent). Thanks for the fathers days, Christmas morning presents, Thanksgiving dinners, raising exceptional children, and most of all thanks for the laughter, I'll never forget your impeccably timed jokes and laugh that made me smile and the rest of the family roll their eyes :)
Thanks for not shaming me when I released a SBD(silent but deadly) that literally left me in tears, tears of laughter as I cleared the living room one Christmas Day. Thanks for the NBA games and watching the OJ Simpson circus car chase with me.
Most of all thanks for not kicking my ass after taking your Corvette for a spin and testing the ability of its traction control active handling.
We lost a great one. I'm a better man because of you Dr. Abe. The world is better because of your unconditionally open and giving heart
"We're all just walking each other home " Ram Dass